I have a vp215 that isn’t completely getting all the air out of the bag now. I spoke to AVY…
Lately in my server logs I’ve been seeing a lot of attempts to hack into WordPress. The hackers appear to have automated means of working well-known exploits such as to timThumb.php and phpMyadmin, but also I’ve seen persistent efforts to do brute force login attacks using a big password set. A lot has been written about the exploits and patches exist for them that you can find elsewhere, but the simple way I avoid the most common brute force login hackers out of the gate is to not even have the well-known wordpress login script wp-login.php visible. (more…)
Why I hate air miles (and other "rewards" programs)
This post has been in the back of my mind for years. Here it is at last. I’m fed up with “air miles” and similar “rewards programs” such as we are frequently bombarded with by credit card vendors, banks, airlines, phone companies, and other businesses. The reason I would be a repeat customer for a particular product or service over one from a competing vendor is primarily because the product itself seems to be superior in various ways. Yes, price of that product is a factor, but I don’t need or want to be incented to buy (typically unrelated) things that have nothing to do with why I am even considering doing business with a specific vendor. (more…)